The first usage of the application was at the Central Switzerland Education Fair Zebi in November 2018. Since then, the popupExperience application has been an integral part of the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts’ presence at Swiss education fairs.
In September 2019, two applications were in action at the grand opening of the new Zug-Rotkreuz Campus (VIP and public event, 6,000 visitors, @Hochschule Luzern – Informatik)

HSLU wanted to reduce the large amount of printed material (brochures, flyers etc.) for the trade fair presence of the Lucerne University of Applied Sciences and Arts and make it even more interactive and digital. Another effect was to create a cool eye-catcher at the booth.
Immensive developed for this event, and according to HSLU needs, a new feature, called “Basket” .It creates a communication channel that is accessible remotely, giving clients the possibility to access information directly on their smartphones or tablets.
Upon scanning the QR Code, users must fill out a form.

Thanks to the advanced contact statistics, HSLU was able to follow all the shared content and thus better understand their target audience and visitors

Nowadays, the educational sector is reinventing itself, and with the new upcoming generation, it is important to create a Wow-Effect. Futur student get a better perception of the Hochschule Luzern, as a modern educational institution.

Also, HSLU saved time and money as the CMS (content management system) gave them the opportunity to modify and update content according to the fair they attended.

“Thanks to the PopupExperience app, we manage to bring together the digital and the physical world at our stand. It is exciting to see how much both visitors and exhibition staff enjoy interacting with the screen and how many conversations are resulting. ”

Sabine Schmid-Lengacher, Marketing & Communication Project Manager

HSLU Sabine Schmid-Lengacher

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